Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snowbasin Ski Trip

(left to right) Colton, Jack, Max, Dixon, Henry

We just returned from our 4th Annual Moats Family Ski Weekend. This year we relocated from Brianhead to Snowbasin. It is about 3 hours further for the California crowd to drive, but the free lift tickets that Kevin scored made the drive worthwhile (at least for those who would've had to open their pockets for the tickets!) This year was a little bit different. Our condo was gorgeous and roomy, compared to the smaller, outdated condo that we had at Brianhead. Also, this year all of the rodents were big enough to ski and they all had a ball. We received a lot of snow, but Saturday morning we had a little bit of a break and all of the kids hit the slopes. We were amazed that they all did so well and none of them wimped out.

We also had the opportunity to remember President Hinckley as we followed the media coverage of his funeral and graveside service. It was nice to be able to watch the coverage together as a family and appreciate together what a great man he was. His wit, charm, and testimony will certainly be missed by the Moats family.

Sunday morning we awoke to 16 new inches of snow that had fallen overnight and there was a slight panic over whether or not the California crowd would make it home. But they braved the weather and the Honda Pilot got them home. Had they left 10 minutes later, they would have been forced to spend the night in Mojave, 20 miles from home because Highway 58 closed just as they pulled into Tehachapi. Good thing we said a prayer before they left. All in all Eden received almost 3 feet of snow in the 72 hours that we were there!

Thanks to all who helped make this weekend possible. A great time was had by all. Let's start making reservations for next year! We can't wait!

Here are a few more pictures... (We couldn't catch a picture of Colton in action because he is too fast now!)
Jack lets her rip! He did great this year.

Molly and Max take a break for a picture on the kiddie hill.

Dixon on his own (with Mom close behind).

Megan and Henry on the "loop-d-loops" as Henry calls them.
Papa and the grandsons